BX:Windows Virtual Machines

Revision as of 11:52, 11 November 2011 by Phalenor (talk | contribs)

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In order to facilitate the usage of Windows-only applications and for those individuals that prefer Windows on the desktop over Linux or OS X, we have added Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit as a fully supported Operating System within the BX system.

To help develop and prove this system, several Virtual Machines (VMs) have been provisioned.


To access these VMs, you currently must be on the managed VLAN (

From linux, you can use the rdesktop command:

$ rdesktop -g 1280x1024 bx-ritchie-3

Where -g 1280x1024 specifies the desired geometry of the window.

From Windows, Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection, then enter the name of the computer.

Note: Windows Remote Desktop IS NOT the same as Apple Remote Desktop. You can download an OS X RDP client here:


On Linux and OS X, and possibly on Windows (using Xming), you should be able to tunnel this Remote Desktop connection over ssh to gain access to the VMs from outside our network.

Logging in

To login, you must have a PSU Access Account, and a BX account with a username that matches your PSU username.

Vm rdesktop-1.jpg