WWWGLS: Fall 2017

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Schedule for Weekly Wednesday Wartik Genomics Lecture Series and Related Events: Fall Semester 2017

Seminars are usually held on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 pm in the large commons area ("curved room") of 501 Wartik, unless otherwise noted. Coffee, tea, and cookies are served starting about 3:30 pm.

Date Presenter(s) Topic
Wed Aug 30   Fereydoun Hormozdiari
(Univ. of CA, Davis)
Title: Genetic Structural Variation and Modules Discovery in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Wed Sep 6 Matthew Weirauch
(Cincinnati Children's Hospital)
Title: To be announced
Wed Sep 13 Rori Rohlfs
(San Francisco State Univ.)
Title: To be announced
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
(Hosted by: The Center for Medical Genomics with videoconference connection to Hershey room _____)
Title: ____________
(LOCATION/TIME: 501 Wartik Lab, 3:00pm - 4:00pm)
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________
Wed Sep __ __NAME__
Title: ____________

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