BXadmin:SAM-QFS Testing
Revision as of 13:23, 31 January 2011 by Phalenor (talk | contribs) (→/etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/archiver.cmd)
testing setup
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0 = LUN 13 in esxi host group on ds4200, 1TB
hostname is fs7, 64-bit, 2vCPU, 1GB RAM, RDM over 4GFC with NPIV, solaris 10u8
SUNWsamfsr = 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
SUNWsamfsu = 5.1.4,REV=5.10.2010.04.05
- Create filesystem: sammkfs <fs>
- fs info: samfsinfo <fs>
- sam-fsd Check mcf, defaults.conf, diskvols.conf file for correctness
- samd config Initialize environment and apply changes to mcf, etc.
equipment types (mcf)
- ms = fs with archiving, data + metadata on same device. only accepts md types
- ma = fs with archiving, data and metadata on separate devices,
- md = striped or RR using DAU for storing data
- mm = metadata device. can specify multiple. stored RR if there are multiple by default
- mr = striped or RR device for storing data, uses SAU
- gxxx = stripe groups, 0..127
allocation schemes
- md : small = 4KB, large = DAU = 64KB, can be 16, 32, or 64
- mm : small = 4KB, large = 16KB
## /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/mcf # # Equipment Eq Eq Family Device Additional # Identifier Ord Type Set State Parameters #----------- --- ---- ------ ------ ---------- samfs1 10 ms samfs1 on /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s2 11 md samfs1 on
samfs1 - /samfs1 samfs - yes -
Archive sets to set AFS namei special files to release_n status:
no_release_special . -name AFSIDat/.+?/.+?/special/.* -release n 1 60m no_release_dotvol . -name \.vol$ -release n 1 60m no_release_direntry . -name AFSIDat/.+?/.+?/.+?/.+?/[^+02468ACEGIKMOQSUWYacegikmoqsuwy].+ -release n 1 60m no_release_lock . -name Lock.* -release n 1 60m no_release_dotfiles . -name ^\.vol.* -release n 1 60m
Disk VSN recycling can only be done by archive set. Where vicepa.1 is defined by vicepa.1 dk -pool test_pool,
params vicepa.1 -archmax 21474836480 vicepa.1 -unarchage access vicepa.1 -sort path vicepa.1 -recycle_mingain 10 vicepa.1 -recycle_minobs 10
Maximum tar file size:
archmax = dk 10737418240
VSN Pools:
vsnpools test_pool dk MD1K-BIG-LZJB-SAMFS1 endvsnpools
Archive set to VSN assignment:
vsns allsets.1 dk -pool test_pool vicepa.1 dk -pool test_pool no_release_special.1 dk -pool test_pool no_release_dotvol.1 dk -pool test_pool no_release_direntry.1 dk -pool test_pool no_release_lock.1 dk -pool test_pool no_release_dotfiles.1 dk -pool test_pool endvsns
- http://wikis.sun.com/display/SAMQFS/Home
- http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/sam-qfs-discuss
- http://wikis.sun.com/display/SAMQFSDocs51/Home
- http://wikis.sun.com/display/SAMQFSDocs51/Configuring+the+Archiver
- http://www.williamhathaway.com/wordpress/2007/04/26/qfs-on-top-of-zfs/
- http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/User+Group+qosug/sam-and-zfs