WWWGLS: Spring 2017

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Schedule for Weekly Wednesday Wartik Genomics Lecture Series and Related Events: Spring Semester 2017

Seminars are usually held on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00 pm in the large commons area ("curved room") of 501 Wartik, unless otherwise noted. Coffee, tea, and cookies are served starting about 3:30 pm.

Date Presenter(s) Topic
Wed Jan 18   Siyang Zheng
(Penn State University)
(Hosted by: The Center for Medical Genomics with videoconference connection to Hershey room CG628)
Title: NGS for Liquid Biopsy – Analyses of Single Circulating Tumor Cells and Extracellular Vesicles from Blood Samples of Cancer Patients
Wed Jan 25 Shefali Setia and Bo Zhang
(Penn State University)
Title: Identifying genetic associations with variability in metabolic health and blood count laboratory values: Diving into the quantitative traits by leveraging longitudinal data from an EHR
Wed Feb 1 Name: TBA
(Institution: TBA)
Title: TBA
Wed Feb 8 A. Murat Eren
(The University of Chicago)
Title: Genome-resolved metagenomics: A perfect mixture of opportunities and challenges
Wed Feb 15 Kasper Daniel Hansen
(Institution: Johns Hopkins University)
Title: TBA
Wed Feb 22 Thanh Le and Bruce Chen
(Penn State University)
Title: TBA
Wed Mar 1 Ben Langmead
(Johns Hopkins University)
Title: TBA
Wed Mar 15 Michael DeGiorgio
(Penn State University)
(Hosted by: The Center for Medical Genomics with videoconference connection to Hershey room CG628)
Title: TBA
Wed Mar 22 Arjun Krishnan
(Michigan State University)
Title: TBA
Wed Mar 29 Naomi Yamada
(Penn State University)
Title: TBA
Mon Apr 3 Jean-Luc Jannink
(Cornell University)
(Co-hosted with Department of Plant Biology)
Title: TBA
(LOCATION/TIME: 108 Wartik Lab, 12:10 - 1:10pm)
Wed Apr 5 Fereydoun Hormozdiari
(Univ. of California, Davis)
Title: TBA
Wed Apr 12 Jason Ernst
(University of California, Los Angeles)
Title: TBA
Wed Apr 19 Yogeshwar Kelkar
(University of Rochester)
(Hosted by: The Center for Medical Genomics with videoconference connection to Hershey room CG628)
Title: TBA
Wed Apr 26 Divyanshi Srivastava and Tarik Salameh
(Penn State University)
Titles: TBA
Wed May 3 Yi Xing
(University of California, Los Angeles)
Title: TBA
Wed May 10 Michael Wu
(Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center )
Title: TBA
Wed May 17 Name: Laura Carrel
(Penn State Hershey Medical Center)
(Hosted by: The Center for Medical Genomics with videoconference connection to Hershey room CG624E)
Title: TBA
Wed May 24 Blair Zhang and Guanjue Xiang
(Penn State University)
Title: TBA

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