Port Activation
Before you can gain access to our wired network, you must find an active wall port. If the port you wish to use is not active, you must request activation. Send an email to admin-at-bx.psu.edu with the following information:
- Wallport number, of the form A0???
- Room number
- Justification for requesting a wired network connection
There are a multitude of wireless access points throughout Wartik lab. These currently broadcast the old pennstate wireless network, which requires use of the VPN.
Instructions on connecting to the pennstate wireless network: http://wireless.psu.edu/using.html
We are working to bring the new psu 802.1x wireless network as well as the AT&T visitor wireless network to Wartik lab. Depending on your location within the building, you might be able to connect to the psu wireless being broadcast from one of the adjacent networks, but signal strength and reliability obviously can't be guaranteed.