
Revision as of 10:11, 14 September 2012 by Natew (talk | contribs)

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Notes to Self

  • Re:, There were two ethernet cables in 202 labeled 167 and 169 that I tried which didn't work. I'm gonna bring in my laptop tomorrow to confirm that it's the cables and not the ports on the switch that are at fault.
  • Look over cfengine, dns, dhcp configs
  • Spec out hardware for wash/zoe
  • Swathi's laptop
  • Recompile AFS for SL 6.2
  • Look at backup script
  • Put stuff into cfengine
  • Emails from Nate:
One of Andy's last acts was to attempt to decommission the NTP servers on river, jayne, and simon and instead point clients at the University's official time servers at and  This worked for most stuff, but not everything was switched and/or working.  One of those things is the Cisco, which is set to use the University servers but doesn't have a route to the outside world from its management interface, so it can't set the time and thinks it's 1900.  I poked around with it this morning but didn't find a quick fix so I'll pass it on to you.  Not a high priority since mostly this just affects the date/time of log messages, but it' still something that should be fixed eventually (and would be a chance to play around with the network hardware a bit).

Another thing I forgot... when we replaced the UPS' in racks 1 and 2, we connected their network cables but didn't configure their management interfaces.  This needs to be done at some point, so they can be monitored with nagios and have their sensors graphed in cacti.
